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Rufinamide (sold under the brand names Banzel, Inovelon and others) is an anti-convulsant medication used to treat seizure disorders - such as severe Epilepsyplugin-autotooltip__plain plugin-autotooltip_bigEpilepsy

"Epilepsy is a chronic noncommunicable disease of the brain that affects around 50 million people worldwide. It is characterized by recurrent seizures, which are brief episodes of involuntary movement that may involve a part of the body (partial) or the entire body (generalized) and are sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness and control of bowel or bladder function. Seizure episodes are a result of excessive electrical discharges in a group of brain cells. Different parts of …
. It was approved by the US FDA in 2008,

Its 'mechanism of action' is currently unknown. One theory suggest :

Structurally unrelated to other antiepileptic drugs, rufinamide is thought to act primarily by prolonging the inactivation phase of voltage-gated sodium channels.

Epileptic Disorders . 2018 Feb 1;20(1):13-29

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