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Deep Brain Stimulation

Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is therapeutic neurosurgical procedure used in the treatment of Parkinson's diseaseplugin-autotooltip__plain plugin-autotooltip_bigParkinson's disease

Also known as Parkinson disease, Parkinson's, idiopathic Parkinsonism, primary Parkinsonism, PD, or paralysis agitans - is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system resulting from the death of dopamine-containing cells in the
and Tourette syndromeplugin-autotooltip__plain plugin-autotooltip_bigTourette syndrome

Tourette syndrome (TS or Tourette's) is a common neuro-psychiatric disorder which usually starts in childhood and is characterized by multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic. These tics characteristically wax and wane in intensity and frequency, can be suppressed temporarily, and are typically preceded by an unwanted urge or sensation in the affected muscles. Some common tics are eye blinking, coughing, throat clearing, sniffing, swearing, and facial movements.

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It was introduced in 1997, and involves direct electrical stimulation (via implanted wires) of various brain regions. Because of the surgical risks, it's usually only used for severely affected patients, when drug treatment is not proving effective.

It's associated with 30–60% improvement in motor score evaluations, but exactly how it does so is unclear.

"Despite its remarkable clinical efficacy in many patients with Parkinson’s disease – the exact mechanism of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) is as yet unknown."

Source :Clinical Neurosurgery, March 2016, Volume 127, Issue 3, Page e25

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