====== Magnesium sulphate ======
Magnesium sulphate (a.k.a. //Epsom Salts, Sedlitz salt,// and others) is a simple inorganic compound (MgSO4 - 7H2O) which has been used extensively - from at least the 1600s onwards - to treat a wide variety of medical conditions such as [[content:medicine:diseases:a-f:asthma]], [[content:medicine:diseases:m-q:preeclampsia]] and [[content:medicine:diseases:m-q:psoriasis]]. It's currently on the WHO's list of essential medicines.
Its precise 'mechanism of action' however, is unknown - but excess magnesium appears to decrease the amount of the nurotransmitter acetylcholine released by motor nerve impulses, thereby slowing their response times.
Further info : [[https://www.drugs.com/monograph/magnesium-sulfate.html|Drugs.com]]