====== Transient synovitis (of the hip) ====== //Transient synovitis// of the hip (a.k.a. T//oxic synovitis,Transitory coxitis, Coxitis fugax, Acute transient epiphysitis, Coxitis serosa seu simplex, Phantom hip disease, Observation hip and Irritable hip//) is a condition which causes hip pain due to inflammation of the inner lining of the hip joint. It was first described in 1892, and is a benign, self-limiting condition which usually resolves in a week or so, with or without treatment with NSAIDs (e.g. [[content:medicine:drugs:paracetamol]]) It usually affects children between the ages of 3 and 10, (around 2 - 3 % ) leading to hip pain and limping. It has been noted that it sometimes follows upper respiratory tract infections - viral and bacterial. What leads to the inflammation, and why it appears to be mostly restricted to young children, is unknown. More info : [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transient_synovitis|Wikipedia]] ---- Also see : [[content:medicine:diseases:r-z:snapping_hip|]]