====== Plantar fasciitis ====== //Plantar fasciitis// or //plantar heel pain// is a painful disorder of the [[content:life_sciences:human_body:fascia|fascia]] of the heel and sole of the foot. The pain typically starts gradually, especially after exercise, and can affect both feet (in about one-third of cases). It can be so severe as to make normal walking impossible. It's the most common cause of acquired sub-calcaneal heel pain in adults, and recovery can take several weeks The cause or causes of //Plantar fasciitis// are not yet fully understood. >Although poorly understood, the development of plantar fasciitis is thought to have a mechanical origin. In particular, pes planus [flat] foot types and lower-limb biomechanics that result in a lowered medial longitudinal arch are thought to create excessive tensile strain within the fascia, producing microscopic tears and chronic inflammation. However, contrary to clinical doctrine, histological evidence does not support this concept, with inflammation rarely observed in chronic plantar fasciitis. Similarly, scientific support for the role of arch mechanics in the development of plantar fasciitis is equivocal, despite an abundance of anecdotal evidence indicating a causal link between arch function and heel pain.\\ \\ Source : [[https://media-01.imu.nl/storage/wijvoetentrainers.nl/3215/wp/Artikel-voor-toelatingstest.pdf|Journal of Sports Medicine; 36 (7)]]{{:oa_padlock_grn.png?16}} Note that because it's now generally thought to involve little (or no) inflammation, there are proposals to rename the condition //plantar fasciopathy//.([[http://nectar.northampton.ac.uk/6575/1/Beeson20146575.pdf|ref.]]{{:oa_padlock_grn.png?16}})