====== Fox-Fordyce disease ====== Fox-Fordyce disease (FFD) is a rare inflammatory disorder that affects the apocrine sweat glands. The glands become blocked, leading to an inability to sweat in the affected areas, and intense itching. It mostly affects women in the 13–35 age-group. It's generally thought that the syndrome might be caused by a hormonal imbalance of some kind, but the exact cause is unknown. >The underlying etiology of FFD remains unclear although epidemiologic data support a hormonal component because women are more commonly affected than men. Moreover, symptoms initially present after the onset of puberty, flare perimenstrually, and often resolve during pregnancy and after menopause. > >\\ Source :[[https://escholarship.org/uc/item/6km4c88v|UC Davis, Dermatology Online Journal, Volume 18, Issue 12]]{{:oa_padlock_grn.png?18}}