====== Frog tongue adhesion ====== >Frogs are well known to capture fast-moving prey by flicking their sticky tongues out of the mouth. This tongue projection behaviour happens extremely fast which makes frog tongues a biological high-speed adhesive system. __The processes at the interface between tongue and prey, and thus the mechanism of adhesion, however, are completely unknown."__ >[link below] New research (2015) has attempted to experimentally clarify the mechanisms , which appear to be a combination of viscous stickiness and microstructure adhesion. See: [[http://rsos.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/2/9/150333|Frog tongue acts as muscle-powered adhesive tape]] //Royal Society Open Science.// //Note:// A similar puzzle exists for the feet-pads of many insects - which can somehow adhere to almost any surface. Some aspects of the attraction can be explained by [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Van_der_Waals_force|Van der Waals forces]], but others cannot.