====== Bogong moth migration ====== >The Bogong moth, //Agrotis infusa//, has a nocturnal lifestyle and migrates from the Darling Downs in southern Queensland [Australia] to the Snowy Mountains in southern New South Wales where, in a single cave several hundred thousand of Bogong moths can aestivate, a form of hibernation in the summer during the dry period. After summer has passed the moths emerge again and migrate back to their breeding grounds in Southern Queensland. After laying eggs they die and the next generation repeats the migratory cycle. Hence, these moths find their way to the caves without any previous experience. __How they manage this impressive migration is yet unknown__ > >Source : [[https://lup.lub.lu.se/luur/download?func=downloadFile&recordOId=8839807&fileOId=8839809|Thesis, Liv de Vries]] Department of Biology, Lunds University, Sweden The paper cited above suggests the idea that, as the nocturnal moths can't be using the sun to navigate the 900km journey, they may instead be using an internal biological magnetic compass. ---- Also see : [[content:life_sciences:zoology:monarch_migration]]