====== Orchid dormancy ====== Orchids often enter periods of dormancy - when the plant goes into what some call a 'rest' period, and shows no signs of growth (either above or below ground). The triggers which cause the plants to enter and emerge from the dormant state are as yet unknown - though it's believed that symbiotic fungi may play a part. Further, the evolutionary pressures which have presumably enabled this strategy are unclear. > [...] vegetative dormancy is often associated with plant stress and may be important for survival However, for vegetative dormancy to be a successful strategy, plants must have higher survival or, at least not substantially less growth, than they would have not entering dormancy. __What triggers orchids to enter or emerge from dormancy is unknown,__ but it may be related to plant nutritional status which, in turn, may be related to environmental stress." >\\ Source :[[https://bsapubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.3732/ajb.1600334|Symbiont abundance can affect host plant population dynamics ]]//American Journal of Botany//, Jan 2017.