====== Language Acquisition ====== >Language development is thought to proceed by ordinary processes of learning in which children acquire the forms, meanings, and uses of words and utterances from the linguistic input. Children often begin reproducing the words that they are repetitively exposed to. __The method in which we develop language skills is universal; however, the major debate is how the rules of syntax are acquired__.There are two major approaches to syntactic development, an empiricist account by which children learn all syntactic rules from the linguistic input, and a nativist approach by which some principles of syntax are innate and are transmitted through the human genome."\\ \\ Source : [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_development|Wikipedia]] Given the grammatical complexities of most languages, the question of how children (relatively effortlessly) acquire their first language, is as yet largely unexplained. Since the time of Plato, various (sometimes incompatible) theories have been put forward. In the 1960s, professor of linguistics Noam Chomsky proposed the idea that human brains might have a biological equivalent of what he called a 'Language Aquisition Device'.- as a way of explaining how humans appear to be born with the instinct or innate facility for acquiring language. Over half a century later, however, no neuro-scientific evidence of any kind has been found to support Chomsky's idea, and several high-profile linguistic researchers have substantially dismissed it ( example [[https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/tlir.19.1-2.9/html|ref.]]). Further reading, see //Wikipedia's// main article on [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Language_acquisition|Language Acquisition]] ---- Also see : [[content:language:general:language_evolution]]